Wednesday, June 30, 2010
بالونات الحيرة
كنت أحلم بالصّين كلّ ليلة
أتابع قصّة خرافيّة
لم تتجرأ جدّتي أن ترويها
قبلات نرميها للهواء
لفقاعات الأكسجين
التّي تصدم قلبي في لحظة
تفرغ قلبي من كلّ الهواء المحبوس باسم
الخطوط السّميكة
وتطير نحوي
أو تطير نحوك
عندما لا يحكي الزّمن سوى أخبار أينشتاين
عندما لا أقسم أن أهرب
في ليلة أخرى
لا تكفيني شمعة عيد
أقسم أن أرقص
عندما يقتلون الموت فيّ
ويفلتون آخر بالونات الحيرة
أنت تفكّ زرّ قميصك واضعا قلبي في العلبة
أقسم أن أقتلع أنوف كلّ البهلوانات التّي ترقص في وجهي
أتمنى أن تكذب ولو لمرة واحدة وتقول الحقيقة
أن تفتح أدراج اليقظة
وتسأل غوغل إن كنت خائنة
أم حبيبة
أن ينطفئ شعور بالصّدمة
عندما أخبرتك أنّي أرحل
أنّي أقابل سور الصّين ليلا
أنّي لن ألهث
لن أقرّر
أو الحبّ
أو الحريّة
أفلتني مع بالونات الحيرة
أراقص أنفي
ربّما أبحث عنك
داخل عالم
مقتبس عنّي
Monday, June 28, 2010
Mike Dooley :"We Need to Think, Speak, and Behave, as If We Knew of Our Inevitable Successes"
You have, surely, come across his name. As a positive and dreams achiever, you may have seen or read about him on the bestselling DVD and book : The Secret. Or maybe your are one of the 300,000 subscribers across the planet that receive personalized notes 5 days a week from his Otherwise you could be one of the readers of his famous books such as « Choose Them Wisely: Thoughts Become Things!», or you may have listened to his teachings thru his first audio program «Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams» (2001), that sold a quarter million copy. Whatever could be the way, Mike Dooley remains one of the famous positive people that could guide you to discover the power of your mind and to use your thoughts in order to start living your dreams. The following is my extremely enjoyable interview with him:
Sunday, June 27, 2010
My Girl On Her Roof
My Lego Experience
You know that coloured plastic items that could be stuck to each other? Well, maybe you remember that you have played with it when you were young. How much castles, houses..did you build and destroy? Maybe thousands.
Every one for me was a thought a dream and an innocent smile. Unexpectedly, recently, I have bought Lego and I have started to build my old castles again. I still have emotions about them till now even while writing about it, even though I did buy them a week ago. More precisely, it was on my 23rd birthday. No! I am not that old for Lego! Well, I guess all my friends, when they know, will think I am childish. Yet, I have forgotten the last time when I have really cared of what people could think. I just try to realize every idea held on that thing between my ears no matter childish or crazy could be.
However, my Lego experience has overcome the fact of satisfying a non-understandable desire, but it is now more like enjoyment maybe art. The tension, thoughts and feelings I have and associate with building or creating my buildings, have another meaning. Sure, I won't be able to explain it but it is there and I guess having Lego for my birthday has been a clever choice :)
Still fall in love with its colours and possible shapes. At the same time, I still wonder how my Lego experience was when I was young. Sure, I would not spend all this time thinking, analysing and writing about it sure, I would rather spend that time building some dreamy castles!
Me, Ambracing Myself!
I was on my way to my friend's home holding her on my back. Sweet, cute, black
All the eyes watching her and me together; imaging what a beautiful relationship could we have, made me hold her more and more closely. And, above all, the guy on the library who said:" is it yours?" with a remarkable French accent. I answered with a rosy face: “yes”.
I was wondering how everybody is noticing that special connection between us. She is a 4-year dream coming true. And while my mind is keeping the same thought about it : “You have 23 and you are thinking to play guitar, music is for kids they can learn fast”, my mother and my heart tell me all the way your love is stronger you and her have that chemistry and Aurora will never ever let you down.
Well, that was the first step on our beautiful path. We will share love and acceptance.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Nithya Shanti: "Happiness is Not There or Hopefully Sometime..Happiness Is in Here, Now or Never!"
"Today is the happiest day of your life". Well, nothing different has to happen since every single day is special. That is, simply, the message of one of the happiness workshops provided by Nithya Shanti. Nithya Shanti, in fact, is a happiness coach, spiritual teacher, inspirational speaker, writer, healer, educator and modern day sage. He is committed to sharing transformational principles and practices for everyday happiness. He believes happiness, love, joy and peace could not be attainted, they have merely to be accepted and spread. The following is my interview with him: /5515352/nithya_shanti_happiness_is_not_ there.html?cat=7
Monday, June 7, 2010
A journey of unlearning
Experiences teach you how to be different. You learn, grow and improve what you are able to be. Experiences could decide your feelings and attitudes toward people and meanings. Experiences could decide your perceptual approach and your world in general. Yet, experiences could be mistaken, unforgettable, unnecessary or momentary. You learn everyday newness thru experiences and thru other ways too. I did read once that you can learn, however you are not able to unlearn. Your mind is merely able to move forward and grow, it is not possible for your mind to move backward, not to grow or unlearn.
If you want to change an attitude or a habit you cannot unlearn it, you are merely able to replace it or learn the opposite of it. However, I have an endless faith in the mind. I believe that everything is possible as you have the most sophisticated ‘computer’ in the world between your ears. Unlearning is an amazing journey! You have to empty your cup, if you want to know more and grow. An empty cup is able to receive more. A full cup is already learnt and forgotten. Unlearning resembles to an antitoxic diet. You remove toxic thoughts, lessons and experiences. You learn your own lesson. You try it yourself the tastes, colors, textures. You touch reality, smell reality, taste reality. And, you come to the conclusion that there is no reality no truth except the truth and reality you create. Every human being is unique and different. Every human being perceives the world differently. Every human being lives in his own world and in the illusion of communication.
Dare to unlearn all the lessons and truths you know. Dare to unlearn yourself.
Resist or let go?
Resistance has been a term very confusing to me. Does it mean power or struggle, having a personality or does is it a decision? Is it an action or a reaction?
I made a commitment times ago to stop being a reactive person and start to become an active person, not to behave according to external circumstances. Meanwhile, taking responsibility, not to be angry, sad or hurt because of the outside world. I was concerned with creating my own world. Then, comes the word resistance. I believe in letting go, in emptying your cup regularly. However, not to resist not to act seem inappropriate. Letting go could resemble somehow to giving up. They are two different words but lead to similar results. Let go as so many English verbs has different meanings the most interesting one is “to free from”, while give up means to abandon or to yield. The meaning seems similar. Yet, letting go is not inaction. It is however a harder action than giving up. To give up consists in taking no action. It is about facing a desperate situation with no possible solution. The result you give up, because you don’t have another choice. While, to let go is about choice. It is difficult to let go because we have been taught to do something otherwise we would keep worrying. To let go is to stop worrying, to not being concerned with something used to be perceived valuable.
Giving up is not letting go neither letting go is giving up. They are two different decisions. Yet, let’s come back to resistance. Resistance is not inaction but it is a reaction not an action. Resistance means creating an opposite force against which you try to fight! It is exactly the fact of fighting yourself.
The culture of Letting go remains a strange culture. It seems doing the opposite of what logicly should do. When Kahlil Gibran said “ If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don’t, they never were”, I felt it made sense. Yet, what is logic, sense or comprehension! When we learn about something different from another culture or we hear that someone was able to accomplish an impossible thing, we wonder about logic and sense. It is obvious that logic is relative as much as any other thing. Letting go is not that logic because it stands outside the consumptive culture. It does not concern the duty of acquiring. It is somehow giving. It means GIVING your dreams to the universe, to the planet. It is about avoid to worry or to care. Maybe then when you come over that desire of possession and acquisition, you would know the meaning of things and appreciate them better. Therefore, letting go is asking life to come!
جمع مؤنّث سالم
حياتي جمع مؤنّث سالم
وقلبي طريق مفتوح
نحو عالم لا يسمحون لي فيه أن
مفارقة أولي تأخذني منهم
من قواعدهم التي لا تنتهي
لا تستقيل الحدود أبدا
حدودهم حولي
افتعال التّفاعل المفتعل أصلا
هو منتهي بدئ المقولات الأولى
هم لا يرون البعد الثّالث
إلا قليلا
فكيف أحدثهم عن الرّابع والخامس والسّادس
هلّي أن أفكّر ولو للحظة
في صخب التّجارب المكرّرة
أن أسقط لوحدي إن كان عليّ أن أسقط
هلّي أن أرى في هذا العالم غير ألوان قوس قزح أسود
عندما يفتحون النّور لا أدري أين تدفن الظلمة
أين تهرب
الكون دائرة من التّصوّر
والوهم أكبر مني و أوسع
جمع مؤنّث سالم لا يهتمّ لقواعد النّصب كثيرا
خوفي أن يجروني إلى الأبد
أن أسمعهم وأصدّق
وأقلّب آخر الصّفحات بإحساس غير مكتمل
إحساس بالموت
مع قليل من الرّهبة
أو إحساس يالحياة
مع قليل من التّعوّد
أو قد أصنع مجالا خاصاّ
بخيط رفيع
يفصل المنطق عن المنطق
Friday, June 4, 2010
You Are Special !!! |
“Be a source of joy. And let the critics and haters |
complain about the world.” |
Paulo Coelh |