There is a road in front of our house that I used to watch when I was young. Usually, it is quite dark and in the end of it there is light. I remember during high school, whenever I felt down, I just looked at it through the window and wonder "maybe there is a way out of this". I used to be thoughtful and inquisitive. I can turn a tiny thing into a philosophical issue and find myself dealing with an endless struggle. And that road was my only hope. It was like telling "tomorrow will be better and just don’t worry everything is ok".
I guess my road was right. ‘Tomorrow’ was much better. I figured out a way to become my best friend and that changed how I perceive life. Now, I don’t watch that road frequently. I have created a road that connect me with my inner world. I am not afraid anymore of judgment, success or failure. I can handle being a human being. I am more open and more interested in life. I don’t feel any more like I am witnessing it happening. I am in now. I live literally. I don’t watch the road because I am walking onto it. And walking the road of life is different from watching it.