It is very easy to lose faith in someone, to close the door, to forget, to move on. It is easy to get angry, to get mad to let go. It is very easy to quit, to try to convince yourself that it wouldn’t work; they were not worth it. You start to justify your choice so you can move on.
Maybe after some time you come back there and you discover that it was not the right choice that it would be better if you gave them another chance, if you just stayed for moments, if you just knew how much they are important to you.
It may take moments or years but some day, somehow you will regret. You will wish that your decisions were different. Maybe you gave up on them but you have learnt. Next time you won’t let fear, disappointment, anger, mistakes decide instead of you. Next time maybe you will automatically give them another chance. Next time you will maybe love them and that is enough.