Friday, October 29, 2010
حيرة المعلومات المعاصرة

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Clarity Brought to me By Reiki

Clarity is more than a beautiful sensation. It is similar to a fresh air entering your body effortlessly. It feels pure and peaceful. It feels like all energy of the world enabling you to see everything differently. Clarity is safe, open and is above all PEACE. A clear vision and a clear mind were what I felt when I opened my eyes after my healing session. Today is the first time I get a free healing session from a Reiki master, a friend of mine. Stressed, this how I am feeling, lately. And he somehow felt it and offered the session. I did interview him before about Reiki. A healing therapy that I have often read about and even tried some exercises. However, to receive the energy is totally different than reading about it.
Thoughts and words have energy that is so true. However, the universal energy is something else. My morning yoga ritual includes a simple exercise that allows energy entering your body thru your stomach and also allows energy to get out. This is I guess, is differently from Reiki. The Reiki experience took 10 minutes and it was very ‘practical’ because you have to do nothing but to close your eyes and relax. When I opened my eyes, besides the clarity I felt, I was so relaxed and felt so active. (I drove my mom crazy by the way; I really wanted to jump on the table, it did not seem to me high after the session; I also started to dance and turn around. Obviously, mom said that I don't have to do this session again _kidding; she doesn't want me to become crazier than I already am) J
Actually, this session is not, technically, my first Reiki experience because I tried before the free distance healing pictures provided by my friend too. The experience of the picture did not bring clarity into my soul. After staying in front of it, I felt good and relaxed. I felt also relieved.
The whole idea of Reiki is very simple and you can read about it on the interview I conducted with Alaa where you will find also links to his website and to the free healing photos. Some people don't really believe in alternative medicine, while me I do. I think that Reiki, tao te ching, zen and all other therapies or life styles are ignored by the majority for a simple reason: business. For same reason happened the scandal of H1N1. Human health is a big ‘industry’ and anything that generates further income is welcomed, anything else is marginalized.
I loved the Reiki session. And I would love to do it again. Alaa said when I interviewed him that I am not active enough because I have misbalanced energy on one of my Chakras. I become very active lately, so I hope the energy is balanced and I guess today's session helped me to see clearly and be relaxed and active. Therefore, thank you Alaa!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
There is nothing worth worrying about!

I was watching some movie, when it hit me. An idea, it is a very phenomenal idea. Don’t waste your present moment worrying about what could change or what could happen tomorrow. That is really worthless. I really love the expression “tomorrow will take care of itself”. That positive thought came at the right time. I am worrying about many things now; and I have just figured out all of them concern about my future. The source of worry is particularly stemming from people who are continuously telling me what to do. I admit that put a lot of pressure on me. Words like experience, career, job, money, business, choices… are actually messing with my soul. I feel exhausted and overwhelmed. However, I believe that everything happens for a reason; maybe I felt that way to write this article or to alter my perspective and to get back my focus on the great things I have in life.
I have really realized so many ‘wishes’, when I have first dreamt of them they seemed impossible but look at me now I have them all. Therefore, I promise myself to remind me of what I have come across and how far I walked on my path. Gratitude is an endless source of happiness, I believe. And as I meditate everyday; gratitude too has to be a daily activity. I just know; it will ensure my positivity and wellbeing. If I just write down (and I did before) or count all the beautiful things in my life, I don’t think that numbers will be enough. I have a lot of things to be grateful for and I know all of people on earth do too.
I am certainly convinced that to worry about something is a waste of energy. Worrying won’t do anything but creates more things to worry about (just using the law of attraction hereJ). However, in addition to my belief that worry is just a waste of energy and time; I believe that it is, meanwhile, a waste of ‘the current life’ of ‘the present’. When you worry about something whatever could be; you automatically drop the present moment. It can be a very joyful moment, but you don’t notice because you are worrying about something that won’t happen (90% of things you are fearful of don’t happen). A worry is a thought and a state of mind that creates limitations and forces you to expect worse. Then, you won’t have time to dream of possibilities, and the worry will grow gradually.
There are things meant to happen. Maybe you cannot help it with them, maybe they seem sad or unfair but sometimes things have just to happen. You can definitely question them and take moments to complain. But you have to admit that you are a better person thanks to them. At the same time, if anything seems to be upsetting you today, it did not end yet. Every end is for your interest. Worrying about things that could happen or things that won’t happen is the best first step toward a successful depression. Simply, worrying includes negative expectations and a negative perception of who you are. Worrying equals the lack of self-confidence and the lack of safety in your life. Usually, we do things to feel safe and protected. We need money and relationships to feel safe and protected. That is ok. Sometimes, we only have to accept our nature the way it is. But if we think that money will make as safe, I can tolerate that. Still, money cannot buy happiness, friends cannot ensure happiness, beauty, career, even health cannot make you happy, and sometimes a peaceful mind too won’t make it till you are aware of it.
Some movements and thoughts are based on awakening, enlightenment and awareness. All of these approaches aim at helping individuals take control over their mind. So instead of you being guided but worrying thoughts, you guide the thoughts to be what you want them to be. Well, sure it is not easy to get there and many people could regret it. Sometimes, when the subconscious mind takes the lead it makes me rest. However, the subconscious takes the lead and follows a programming that might be good or bad; beneficial or harmful. That is why, when you come awake and full conscious, you can choose your thoughts and get red of any negative ones easily.
To make a story short, maybe you have tools to get red of worry and maybe you have not. Still, whenever you worry about anything, remember nothing is worth worrying about. Tomorrow will certainly take care of itself. There still are a sun to lighten your path and an air to clarify you vision and a beating heart reminding you that you are alive. There will be someone dedicated to love you and someone dedicated to hurt you. Life will be always life, and you will be always you.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Doing the wrong things can be fun too!

I always say that life doesn’t come with a manual. Right and wrong, good and bad do not make sense but socially. I believe that society is a meaningless invention. However, outside society 'being' has another meaning and technically society is not an invention. I will try to accept society the way it is; even though society doesn’t accept me the way I am and tries to define me the ‘ways’ that I have to be. Regardless of what society decides to be right or wrong, we all have our references and judge things according to them. That is fine (sure keep question your references). But like it or not, we need to belong. We need to have a strategy, a plan or whatever could be called. We need past, priorities, judgments; all of them help ‘life make sense’J
Nevertheless, most people usually do things that they judge ‘wrong’. In other words, they betray their references. People cheat on their diets, skip the daily workout, think when they are supposed to meditate, watch TV instead of doing homework… Does it look like misery? I bet everyone reading this sentence, will definitely perceive himself as a sinner and 'miserable human being' doing the wrong, bad, harmful, unacceptable things mentioned above. But dear 'miserable human being', making those mistakes is FINE. The earth won’t stop moving and your heart is still beating. Imperfect action is better than no action. We all learn from our mistakes. Thanks to failures and mistakes, I am who I am now, and you are who you are now (very lucky to visit my blog and read this articleJ)
I couldn’t stand for 2 seconds when I started meditating. But thanks to my mistakes, thanks to thinking first times, I am meditating now on a daily basis, and I am aware of the gift of a peaceful mind. I have seen Oprah today and the episode was about ‘Eat Pray Love’ a movie based on a true story (that I am crazily trying to watch, and before I watch it, it already is my best movieJ). I liked the scene when she was trying to meditate for 2 minutes and she couldn’t stop thinking. It happened to all of us first times. To make mistakes and grow gradually are definitely normal and I think they are fun.
Fun is what we are seeking. Yet, we ruin the joy of learning, of growing by blaming and complaining.
Here it is the inspiration of this article:
Location: a restaurant.
'Actors': a friend of mine and Arwa (I)
Purpose: drinking coffee, eating chocolate cakes.
My friend was doing two contradictory things; eating the chocolate cake and saying : “ oh look at me am eating sweets! oh I will gain weight! oh I put kilos in my body! Oh I have to stop eating sweets. “
My mind : “Arwa could we run away, this is insane!”
Well, I couldn’t understand how she consciously ordered the cake and how she was consciously cutting pieces and eating and how she was consciously blaming herself and deciding what could happen to that cake :turn into kilos. She had the choice to order something else, to only drink the coffee, to buy some vegetables. But, she did not. What I couldn’t be able to understand is the contradiction between choosing to do something and blaming yourself for doing it. For me I valuate responsibility. I am responsible for my choices; if I choose not to eat the cake to keep fit; I will enjoy my choice. I won’t blame and say oh I want to eat that and this and vise versa. By the way, I did extremely enjoy my cake. Really chocolate could make women happyJ George Bernard Shaw was right when he said “There is no love sincerer than the love of food”. Don’t want to complete the quote for a reasonJ
When people buy things and start complaining about the money they spent, I just wonder why they spent it first place. Why they eat unhealthy food, why they keep dating the wrong guy or girl and at the same time they complain, I just don’t get it. I believe that if I CHOOSE to keep doing something even if it is hurtful and not healthy, it is better for me to enjoy it. After all, calculations ruin the magic of life. And I am doing the wrong thing anyway, so doing it with a smile and a content heart is really better for myself.
I said imperfect action is better than no action. I don’t mean that we have to do mistakes in purpose or hurt oneslef. I mean that imperfection is perfection. Let’s discuss the example of food. An unhealthy meal once a week shocks your metabolism and lets you lose more weight. Another example, when you are working out, you build muscles you keep building muscles when you are resting. Therefore, the wrong things are not actually wrong. They are just assumptions, that we have learnt somewhere. People thought that earth is the center of the universe, believed in thinking big, and also advised to think small, people eat vegetables and live 100years in Asia and eat meat and live 100 years in Italy…what are the right things and what are the wrong things? It depends. I am 'Einsteinan', I admit it, everything is relative and nothing is true. You don’t know it, till you try it. And when you try it, you will make mistakes. And when you make mistakes, remember mistakes are fun.
We all know the famous story of Thomas Edison. If Edison kept saying every time he ‘failed’, I am dreaming, I cannot make this happen, I am losing my time, we won’t have this light bulb; without which, I wouldn’t be able to write this article at night. So try to make mistakes as much as you can.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Today, I love you!

Today was a wonderful day. I have lately suffered from a low self-esteem. A low self-esteem that created my convictions and behaviours. I was going thru different issues and adopting others' approaches. The result was obvious: perceiving myself, designing myself image accroding to someone else, not me. I am back to myself now. I can see the world with my own eyes. And I am happy.
I can say that I deeply love me. I do believe that all diseases, misbalanced relationships, failures... stem from a misbalanced communication with oneself. Some people don't love themselves. Others are egocentric. It is important to be very open with oneself. Maybe you talk, maybe you listen; maybe you just sit there and be with you.
I have attended once a session called "the pathway of greatness"; the instructor said “the longest journey is the journey within”. Indeed it is. I can recall times when I was not able to stay with me like 5 minutes alone. We live in a society where you are listed last. There are family, friends, people, society, others… there are eyes everywhere, and you have to fit someway. Being alone seems like you have a dangerous disease. That is why, you can hear things like ‘oh you will stay alone for 2 hours, I will stay with you, I will wait with you, I will go with you..” yet, we need time for us to be just with oneself.
It is only when we connect with our innerself that we start the journey of life. All previous choices, decisions, or behaviours are made without. Someone else chose them for us. Life is about your own choices, decisions and behaviours. Only when we can ‘explore’ who we are, love who we are unconditionally and accept ourselves totally; only then we can experience a strange feeling of happiness and satisfaction.
Now, I know how 'se sentire bien dans son corps’ feels. I am content, peaceful and insightful.
I have just to tell you something Arwa: Sorry for past days. I really accept you Arwa the way you are and I deeply love you. You are my angel!