Wednesday, October 31, 2012
An Open Letter to Someone who should know it themselves!
Monday, July 23, 2012
Freedom of hurt!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Ethiopia.. a trip to remember (3)
Monday, July 9, 2012
Ethiopia.. a trip to remember (2)
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Ethiopia.. a trip to remember! (1)
Thursday, April 5, 2012
HD life !

On my way to work today, I heard a spot on the radio about HD devices and I wondered what a coincidence?! WOW, in my life now, I feel like I am using some HD technology, a kind of clarity is pumping up every single day.
I can see clearly now using my ‘3D’ glasses, life is always beautiful but it is certainly related to people’s attitudes. After months I spent conditioned with what people do or say, I am now free, I read a wonderful post about “karma it says that how people treat you is their karma, how you react is yours.” True!
Suddenly, I realized that it has nothing to do with me, it is the karma they choose to send into the universe, they want to send kindness or harm to the outside world and then I can react the way I want to be treated not the possible reasonable way ‘anger or revenge’.
It is their karma and sooner or later they will get it back (what goes around comes around).
I can choose my karma freely; I decide how it will be and how I make it.
Another clarity point: time management skills that I have been reading about lately are extremely astonishing. Well, I know that time is an illusion and it does not really exist ( I have even written an article about that).It is better to discuss tasks and activity management instead of time management. That combination of fun and productivity and slowing down while doing more are another 3D glasses that I am using now J
Those 2 principles are my way out of my “foggy” life where my conditioned emotions deprived me of my ability to clearly see how amazing and perfect my life was, is and will be.
On my desk at work I put a card in which I wrote “I am awesome and so sweet and special”.
It is just a quick reminder that I deserve to be here on the earth and that it is not about what or how they perceive me, but how I choose to treat myself and treat people.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Falling is not a popular choice!

In another life I would love to be a butterfly. I know it lives for one day, just one but it really lives, it celebrates its colors, flies from a flower to flower and embraces that magic of the world.
I have always admired butterflies, unlike flowers stable and sure, butterflies are free and limitless. They whisper to each flower the reason for which they have been created. It flows like a beautiful summer breeze and never regrets a mistake. What else I would ask to have but freedom? Freedom from the past, mistakes and people’s opinions. What else I would ask to have?
I like butterflies as much as I like books, they inspire me, I know that Osho said you don’t have to look for your inspiration outside yourself, but they do inspire me. I believe in book therapy, words are powerful I know that and what books are but words?
The other time I was at work standing up to go out for launch and it hit me. It always does by the way J it is one life (for the butterfly one day) so why we keep avoiding living? Why we are too afraid to live to fall from the edge like Celine says? We don’t know what waits for us maybe “a solid ground, a hand to hold, or a hell to pay.” Anyway, falling itself is an accomplishment. If studies claim that only 3% of earth’s population is happy and successful, falling seems not a popular choice.